Eleanor Lee

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@The National Gallery, Room 34
-> 22nd March 2024 18.00

Guildhall What’s on  

My original String Quartet Composition inspired by Turner focuses on the theme of 'time' had been performed live in the National Gallery Late Night concert at the National Gallery on the 22nd of March, 2024.

“The British Navy's Grand battleship pulls by a Tugboat to its final berth. Temeraire, the warship fought in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and won the battle against France and Spain, symbolises the victory. The last moment of this ship is majestic as much as the sunset next to the ship itself. In the music, I focused on evoking emotional response as Turner’s intention. His lyrical use of colours inspired me to use dissonant with consonant notes. As his style of art gives us the space to think and imagine, I tried to make that space in my music too, rather than giving any clear statement else about the event itself.” - Programme note, Eleanor Lee

Performed By the Guildhall Session Orchestra - String Quartet
Audio and Video Recording and Edits By Guildhall School of Music & Drama Audio and Visual Team